Best Half!

1st Division U19W in Barcelona is such a high level and as we have said thousands of times, there are no easy games and this week La Roca played the very talented Levante Las Planas (LLP) in a huge battle for the important 3 points. La Roca began the game with their newly established attack which places Natasha as the central focus point flanked by the young speedsters, Ainhoa, Meri and Galera and backed by the technical midfield of Aina and Borrallo. What a first half it was as La Roca recovered their calm passing game of earlier games after falling back into their bad habits last week  and produced their best first half of football for the season as they took LLP apart. La Roca dominated posession and field position as they created 9 shots on goals in the first 35 minutes and scored 3 with Natasha controlling the attack. La Roca went into halftime leading 4-1 and the game should have been sealed. 

However, some players changes were made which included Natasha returning to her midfield position and everyone watched in horror as the attack dried up and La Roca began losing possession too easily resulting in a battle that resulted in LLP scoring 2 goals and La Roca scrambling to protect their lead to scrape through and win 4-3 and desperately needed 3 points.

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